I wouldn't still be spinning a poor man's version of Fleece Artist's "wool slubby." I would be spinning and plying perfect lace-weight, DK, aran, or any other recognizable gauge of yarn. But alas, I am just a novice, and for a novice I'm doing okay.
I went to Lettuce Knit this past Monday and picked up a drop spindle, instruction zine, and 2 50-gram packages of fleece artist rovings. As soon as I got home (not a second later), I sat down and started drop spindling. On the first day of drop spindling, I created this: On the second day of drop spindling, I created an un-niddy noddied, un-weighted down skin of yarn. My first impressions of spinning? Totally all-consuming and addictive. I couldn't stop, even if I wanted to! I'm onto my second 50 grams now, and wondering what the heck I'm going to do with my new lovelies.
At the same time, I'm feeling guilty for not doing any actual knitting. I'm supposed to be making Lisette by Kim Hargreaves, from Rowan 36, and this is all I've gotten done:Part of the reason for my lack of success is the little monster pictured above. Little Astro has a thing for yarn, fleece, and pretty much everything else. He's just woken up from a nap, and is ready to rumble.
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